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Project List
26 Successful MAJOR Projects

Project: Automated Menu System (AMS) - Special Edition Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: Abby's Catering
Owner Web:
Dates: 2019, 2020
Location: Houston, TX
Role: Design and Production
Duration: Ongoing
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
Customization of AMS for boutique Inflight Caterer.

Project: PFEP (Plan For Every Part) Special Edition Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: Tennant Corporation
Owner Web:
Dates: 2018
Location: Minnesota
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 12 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
Customization of for special needs of manufacturers of industrial automated floor scrubbing machines.

Project: PFEP (Plan For Every Part) Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: eVantage, LLC
Owner Web:
Dates: 2006…
Location: Global
Role: Design and Production
Duration: On Going
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
Comprehensive application designed as a major tool for Lean Manufacturing in the Fenestration Industry (Windows and Doors)

Project: PFEP (Plan For Every Part) Special Edition Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: Lockheed Corporation
Owner Web:
Dates: 2005
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 6 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
Customization of for special needs of manufacturers of the wing sections of the F-35 fighter jets; specifically picklists to assure sequenced just-in-time parts.

Project: Automated Menu System (AMS) Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: eVantage, LLC
Owner Web:
Dates: 2004, 2005, 2019, 2020
Location: Global
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 6 Months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
The Internet Version of AMS. It incorporates all the of AMS v3 plus many more features to list here.

The ULTIMATE Ailrline Catering application.

See AMS Features

Project: Canteen Engineering System (CES) Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: eVantage, LLC
Owner Web:
Dates: 2005, 2006
Location: Baltimore, MD
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 2 Months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
Maintenance & Asset Management System documents all of the cosot to own capitalized assets of an organization. The database structure is designed to handle asset information for small or global companies. The design is extremely intuitimve and the least knowledgeble in computer entry will easily be able to enter all the asset information for a facility.

Project: Audits Findings Initiatives Corrections Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: US Small Business Administration
Owner Web:
Dates: 2003, 2004
Location: Washington D.C.
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 24 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
The United States Small Business Administration is audited each year. The AFIC system tracks audit information and findings. The agency initiatives are associated with findings to track progress of the improvements discovered in the findings.

Project: Federal Measurement Tracking System Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: Office Of Management and Budget
Owner Web:
Dates: 2003
Location: Washington D.C.
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 12 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
The Measurement Tracking System allows Federal agencies to provide shared performance data via the Internet..
  • All Agencies provide, verify and complete data via the Internet.
  • Public access is provided to learn about the process and to tracking agency activity.
  • XML is used in this system.
  • This system supports customers with IE and Netscape browsers.

Project: Financial Improvement Progress System Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: Office Of Management and Budget
Owner Web:
Dates: 2002
Location: Washington D.C.
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 12 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
Federal agencies are audited each year. The FIPS system tracks audit information and findings. Agency initiatives are associated with findings to track progress of the improvements discovered in the findings.

Click here to see DoD Presentation of January 29-30, 2004.

Project: Time Cards System Password Required Demo Available Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: eVantage, LLC and Dessez, Inc
Owner Web:
Dates: 1999 - 2004
Location: Global
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 3 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
The project converts old style time card processing to the Internet. Data is collected from employees, approved by the client and forwarded on to billing and payroll.

Project: Financial Management System Inventory Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: Office Of Management and Budget
Owner Web:
Dates: 2001
Location: Washington D.C.
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 4 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
The Internet was used to allow Federal Agencies to report the status of their financial management systems to the Office of Management and Budget. In 2001 over 280 federal employees reported on 1426 systems. The system included security and a link to the d-Mail (Data Mail) service to allow tracking of email related to this project.

Project: STARS (Security Tracking and Reporting System)
Owner: SCIS Air Security
Dates: 2002, 2003
Location: Dulles, VA
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 4 monrha
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
Application provides seals for the airline catering carts that board commercial airplanes. After 9/11, Sky Chefs (the Worlds largest airline caterer) developed a company, SCIS, to provide exordinary security for its access to commercial airlines. STARS provides a simple but sophisticated tool to produce serailized seals and maintain a complete database of all seal transactions.

Project: Federal Interagency Databases Online Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: Office of Government-wide Policy GSA
Owner Web:
Dates: 2002
Location: Washington D.C.
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 12 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
FIDO provides access to database that are used by many agencies. A score300 chart is available to compare agencies across numerous data collection processes.

Project: 123 Easy Card Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: e-Commerce
Dates: 2002
Location: North Potomac, MD
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 4 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SqlServer Database, ASP, JavaScript
An e-Commerce Web site enabling consumers to own a web page with minimal cost, effort and knowledge of the Web. 123 Easy Card allows customers to create electronic business cards, greeting cards, for sale, our just about any type of single to multi-page WEB site.

Project: Standards Gov Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Owner Web:
Dates: 2001, 2002
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 6 months
Type: XML,NT4, IIS4, SQL7 database, XML, Access
Standards.Gov is a one-stop location for finding information related to the use of voluntary consensus standards in government. Each federal agency web site (as well as state and local government's sites) has important, standards-related information. Locating that information can be a time-consuming and difficult task. At Standards.Gov, you can find links that take you directly to the information you want, thus reducing time and effort spent in needlessly locating and then searching numerous agency web sites.

Project: Office Of Weights And Measures
Owner: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Owner Web:
Dates: 2000
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 3 months
Type: Access, Multi-user NT4
This project allows the OWM office to collect information about NIST members and merge it with the National Committees database. It also tracks the training for members. It produces a directory, labels, class roles and certificates.

Project: Standards Annual Report Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Owner Web:
Dates: 2000 - 2002
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 3 months
Type: T4, IIS4, SQL7 database, XML, Access
The process uses the Internet to collect annual report information about the Standards activity of Federal Agencies. Information about the use of world-wide standards is particularly important.

Project: Standards Committee Members
Project Web:
Owner: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Owner Web:
Dates: 2000, 2001
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 3 months
Type: T4, IIS4, SQL7 database, XML, Access
The process involves a new calling web server and existing remote servers at NIST, DOD and NASA. The user browses to the calling server. The calling server uses standard CGI scripting to contact the remote servers. The remote servers retrieve the desired information from their databases, format it and return it to the calling server. The calling server combines and formats the results using state of the art XML and XSL, returning HTML to the user’s browser.

Project: Secure Address
Project Web:
Owner: Dessez, Inc.
Owner Web:
Dates: 1999, 2000
Location: Fairfax, VA
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 5 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SQL7 database, Internet Certificate is a secure web server that serves as an Application Service Provider platform. It uses a Thawte certificate to implement SSL security. It uses BlackIce as an early warning system. It also uses Microsoft's Security Configuration Editor to tighten up NT4. The hardware has multiple redundancy levels at the disk drive and controller levels. Server is hosted at CAIS Internet Services.

Project: EZ Data on the Web
Project Web:
Owner: EZ Data
Dates: 2000- 2002
Location: Arlington, VA
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 6 months
Type: XML,NT4, IIS4, SQL7 database, XML, Access
EZ Data on the Web allows customers to upload their data from spreadsheets or Access into a SQL Server with automatic web forms and reports.

Project: FACA Database
Project Web:
Owner: General Services Administration
Owner Web:
Dates: 1999 - 2001
Location: Washington D.C.
Role: Enhancement and Production
Duration: 48 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, SQL7, XML, Internet database
The 2 year old FACA Database received a face-lift and additional reporting capabilities. A new Public area was created that allows anyone to log one and view or download data from the system.

Project: EZ Data Surveys
Project Web:
Owner: EZ Data
Dates: 2001, 2002
Location: Arlington, VA
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 10 months
Type: XML,NT4, IIS4, SQL7 database, XML, Access
EZ Data Surveys allows customers to create surveys using a simple text editor. The survey is uploaded to the web and produce a web survey.

Project: NIST Directory
Owner: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Owner Web:
Dates: 1995, 1996
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 4 months
Type: Multi-user Novell LAN - Access
The NIST Directory project was designed to replace the client's existing computer system. The system was designed, tested and implemented in 4 months. The existing system required several difficult processes including "sneaker net" to function properly. The new system provides a single point of data entry and will print out the source documents for printing.

Project: XML Do It Now!
Project Web:
Owner: XML4ALL
Owner Web:
Dates: 2001
Location: Washington D.C.
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 3 months
Type: XML,NT4, IIS4, SQL
Course was created to explain the XML tools available for doing XML now.

Project: Federal Interagency Databases Online (FIDO)
Project Web:>
Owner: Office of Government-wide Policy GSA
Owner Web:
Dates: 2002
Location: Washington D.C.
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 12 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, ASP, VB, SQL7 database, XML, Access
FIDO provides access to database that are used by many agencies. A score300 chart is available to compare agencies across numerous data collection processes.

Project: Financial Management Systems Inventory Password Required
Project Web:
Owner: Office Of Management and Budget
Owner Web:
Dates: 2001, 2002
Location: Washington D.C.
Role: Design and Production
Duration: 24 months
Type: NT4, IIS4, ASP, VB, SQL7 database, XML, Access
Federal agencies use FMSI to report information about the Financial Management tools that they use. The information is used to assist in budget preparation and monitoring.

Password Required  Indicates that a Password is Required to Access the WEB Site
Domo Available  Indicates that a Demo Password is Provided for a Demo of the WEB Site
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